The Unknown Wish

They say I am the dark horse
That is destined till my end
To gallop like the broken soul
In the shadows of the wind
But I am just the simple soul,
And so they say I’ll fail
Because I am the gentle whisper
Among the constant yell.

I have my dreams I dream at night.
I have my prayers I pray,
And though I run this race to win
I’ve lost along the way.
I’ve sat and pondered upon this life,
My thoughts have drifted afar.
I’m somewhat like the wayward wish
That cannot find its star.

I cannot stop upon this road
And say my journey ends
For when I think that life has stopped
I find it just begins—
Therefore the hour passes on
And side by side we stand…
Time and I, soul in soul
Must travel hand in hand….

Chained to seconds, chained to minutes
That do not pause for me
So in their flow, so shall I go
And be where they shall be,
And if the minutes to which I’m chained
Are granted their tomorrow
Then so am I granted this
And beckoned then to follow—

Holding not to yesterday,
It was not mine to keep.
I leave it standing in the past,
There in my soul to sleep,
I travel on because I must,
Though the dark horse, I may be.
I travel on to get somewhere—
A mended soul set free.

A gentle whisper among this yell—
This world, this life, this place
Running still with the flame of hope
To endure this wretched race.
And I’ll keep on running
And keep on running,
Though my thoughts may drift afar,
I’ll win this race as the unknown wish
That claims its sacred star.

~T.S. Wilkins~