Monica Corbin is a twenty-four year old waitress at a fancy, big city restaurant. She is tall, slim, with long dark hair, and big sad brown eyes. Her quiet nature sets her apart from the noisy big city she lives in, and very few people take the time to get to know her. She lives in a small apartment with her little, female, scraggily looking, brown dog named Mocha. When she was a child, her parents owned a small restaurant. However, their marriage was plagued with issues of alcoholism, affairs, and secrets that taunt her mind to this very day. They divorced when she was ten years old. She has not seen her father since, and her mother turned to the wild ways of the city streets.
Unfortunately, Monica did not manage to finish high school, but she refused to live carelessly on the street like her mother, so she worked odd jobs and always managed to make enough money to make ends meet.
Today, Monica Corbin, is a survivor but still struggles to find what she longs for the most in life—happiness. She has a tendency to remain distant from the very few people who actually try to get close to her. This is not because she is a cold hearted person, but only because deep down inside….she feels that she cannot trust anyone. She is on a journey to find peace within herself. She wants to find freedom and beauty within her life, and perhaps then she will find that place within her soul where serenity dwells. However, in order to do this…she feels she needs answers. Monica has now gathered the courage to confront her past. Deep within herself, she wants to do this to feel a sense of closure. She wants to look into her mother’s eyes, past all of what lies on the surface, and finally see the truth. She wants to find her father, and hear from his heart, why it is that he stopped loving his little girl. She wants to stop being afraid of the secrets that haunt her the most, and perhaps past all of this hurt she will find serenity. The year is two thousand ten, and Monica has begun to search for answers. She will keep track of her journey by writing of it in a pink notebook she calls Serenity’s Soul. Through these writings, you will travel with her. You will learn of the things that trouble her most because she has vowed not to lie to the eager pages of Serenity’s Soul. This is only the introduction. From this point on, you will travel step by step…page by page….with a shy, twenty four year old, but determined being named Monica Corbin.