Serenity’s Soul

January 18, 2010

Dear Serenity’s Soul,

My hands are shaking right now. Everything that is happening is happening so quickly and it’s all so strange. It’s this puzzle that I can’t put together. I don’t even know where to start. I’m so confused. I’M JUST SO CONFUSED!

I got off work early. The restaurant was slow and there was no need of me staying. Keyah took over my tables for the thirty minutes I had left on the clock. Tonight, I wanted to leave. I couldn’t think clearly. Nothing makes sense anymore—I mean, not that it ever has, but especially not now.  Mr. Papa was sweeping the floor at the entrance when I walked into the building. He looked me straight in my eyes, and I knew he was going to start nagging me about my unpaid rent. All kinds of excuses started running through my head. I was prepared to tell him about my mother, but then I thought ‘who cares anyway?” you know? I stopped to listen to his rant, but he didn’t have one. He just looked at me. I could have gone on upstairs, but I felt I had to tell him something about my rent.
“Um, look, I’m gonna have your money soon.”
That’s what I mumbled out, and believe me, I felt stupid afterwards.
He still just looked at me.
It was this clueless, have you lost your mind?- kind of look.
“Mr. Matthews?” I said.
He kind of straightened up and moved the broom handle over to his right hand.
“What are you talking about, Kid?”
“My rent. I haven’t paid it yet. I just want you to know that I am soon.”

“It’s paid, Kid.”

There was this awkward silence. It was sudden and just spooky. I guess because I didn’t understand what was going on.
Now, I know that I should have just accepted it without questions and went on, but I thought the old man was mistaken. I mean he’s been fairly nice to me, and I didn’t want to cheat him.
“Yeah, paid—you know, as in you don’t owe me nothing. Paid.”
“But, I didn’t..”
Then he stopped me.
“A guy came in asking about you, and he paid you up to date.”
My heart skipped several beats.
“What guy?”
“I don’t know, just some guy! Young fellow, tall, dark hair. He didn’t leave a name.”

“And you gave him my information?”
“The only information I gave him was that you were not home and that you may not be at home anymore if you didn’t pay me the rent you owed. He asked how much it was and then paid it…cash. Thought may be you knew him.”
“Did he say anything about coming back?”
I walked quickly up to my room and shut the door. Who could this guy be? I don’t know anyone like that! I just know the people I work with, live around, and my mother when I see her on the street somewhere. I have a crappy job, and I live in this crappy place, and my mother feels like a joke, and now this person? I feel like I’m going insane.
