Serenity’s Soul

January 16, 2010

Dear Serenity’s Soul,

I am sitting at my quiet writing desk in the corner of my bedroom. Mocha is asleep on the floor right beside me. She’s a sweet little dog; patient and comforting. Outside, the night is very angry. The thunder is so very frightening with its fierce, and demanding voice, and the lightning has such a careless soul….striking wherever it pleases. But oh well, such is the way of a storm. I haven’t paid my rent lately. My apartment manager is a somewhat kind old man. Don’t get me wrong though—he reminds me on a daily basis that I am now two months behind, but he won’t kick me out because he just has to know that I don’t have anywhere else to go. Sometimes when he’s pestering me about my unpaid rent, I begin to cry. He just mumbles something and walks away. This place; this little apartment room is not as bad as the other places I’ve stayed in. Yeah, I know…it’s nowhere close to being the best, but it’s better than a small cold space of cement on the side of the street. I guess my apartment manager knows that, and whether he likes it or not, he’s forgiving. It’s sad to say that he’s actually been kind of like a father to me these past two years. I mean really, my real father was never really a father to me and since the day he left when I was ten no man has treated me with what I can truly feel is kindness. The slightest bit of compassion had to come in the form of a short, old man who manages a messy apartment building. His name is Mr. Matthews, but in my heart…I call him Mr. Papa. Mr. Papa knows that I’ll pay him as soon as I can, I always do. I haven’t been working as many hours at the restaurant as I usually do. Less hours means less money, and I really need more of both. My boss, Larry, is such an arrogant man. He’s one of those that knows you need a job so you can’t quit, and he treats you any way he wants to. I would say that I hate him, but what’s the point? I don’t have that many friends. The people who actually take the time to talk to me are a few of my co-workers at the restaurant. Keyah, Anna, Amber, and Lin are my fellow waitresses. Keyah is so confident. She can say some of the funniest things when she is frustrated. She has a strong personality, and I admire her for that. Anna is quite the lively one. She talks constantly even if it has to be to herself. Amber is the meanest one out the group. She’ll talk to you, but it may not be the nicest conversation. Lin has the best sense of fashion. She loves to tell me what to do with my hair, make up, and myself in general. It’s o.k., though, it’s good advice. All four of them are gossipers. I just listen, but they know everything that’s going on. Well, I am tired now and so is Mocha. The storm seems to be dying down a bit. Silence is creeping in. So, goodnight for now Serenity’s Soul. I’ll see you tomorrow.