Serenity’s Soul


February 15, 2010

Dear Serenity’s Soul,

Mr. Lee allowed us to have our bake sale in front of his store. In exchange for his kindness, Stacey and I offered to help him stock his inventory throughout the day. He was happy to tell us we could, and you know, we were happy to do it. We went to separate ends of the store. I was really busy working. It had been quite a while since I had worked so hard, and it felt good to feel useful. As I was stocking some cans, I happened to look over at Stacey. She was standing there staring at flowers. I have stared at flowers myself, but only in wondering if the handsome guy that gave them to me was the one. He never was, and I wonder if Stacey is thinking about the one that used to give her flowers. What memory did that wonderful fresh fragrance of love spark? I could tell that she was locked in that memory, in that distant room in the corner of her mind. She is improving, but something still holds her back. I don’t know about her life. As I stared at her staring at those flowers, I thought about something. I saved a little money back from some other odd jobs I did around the shelter, and I thought a nice friendly gift would cheer Stacey up. So, as the ladies ended the bake sale, and Stacey left the store…I stayed behind for a brief time to buy a little gift. I will not give her this gift until later though. You see, it’s not time to focus on this gift just yet. Right now, it’s time to think about the journey I am to take with my mother and my brother to find our father. I don’t know where he could be, but I can feel that we are close to him. I wonder, Serenity’s Soul, what his smile would look like now?  Am I still his baby girl? Am I still his little princess?

Am I still in his heart?

